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  • Megan

Jan. 1st Beach Clean Up: NHB and the Santa Juana Soccer team

Check out these kids that woke up early on New Year's Day to clean the local beach near our Nica Heartbeat First Aid Center. The beaches are crowded this time of year as it is summer in Nicaragua and kids are out of school. The beaches have families and tourists visiting on their holiday breaks. Sadly, not everyone remembers to throw their trash away. With Nicaragua being the home to so many sea turtles and other sea life, it is imperative to keep the beaches clean. We are really proud of these local youth from the Santa Juana Soccer Team that came out to help ensure a clean Nicaragua. Part of NHB's mission is to help make a positive impact on the communities we serve.

Mira a estos niños que se levantaron temprano el día de Año Nuevo para limpiar la playa local cerca de nuestro Centro de Primeros Auxilios Nica Heartbeat. Las playas están llenas en esta época del año ya que es verano en Nicaragua y los niños están fuera de la escuela. Las playas tienen familias y turistas que visitan en sus vacaciones. Lamentablemente, no todos recuerdan tirar su basura. Dado que Nicaragua es el hogar de tantas tortugas marinas y otras especies marinas, es imperativo mantener limpias las playas. Estamos muy orgullosos de estos jóvenes locales del equipo de fútbol de Santa Juana que vinieron para ayudar a garantizar una Nicaragua limpia. Parte de la misión de NHB es ayudar a tener un impacto positivo en las comunidades a las que servimos.

 Check out these kids that woke up early on New Year's Day to clean the local beach near our Nica Heartbeat First Aid Center. The beaches are crowded this time of year as it is summer in Nicaragua and kids are out of school.  The beaches have families and tourists visiting on their holiday breaks.   Sadly, not everyone remembers to throw their trash away. With Nicaragua being the home to so many sea turtles and other sea life, it is imperative to keep the beaches clean.  We are really proud of these local youth from the Santa Juana Soccer Team that came out to help ensure a clean Nicaragua.  Part of NHB's mission is to help make a positive impact on the communities we serve.   

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