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Dear Community and Home-Owners,

Recently we have had to close the doors to Nica Heartbeat’s First Aid Center. Due to funds, paperwork taking longer than expected, and Dra Ponce having to attend to her family for personal reasons, we decided it was best to temporarily close until further notice. We are very excited about all Y he recent donations and are moving forward to reopen as soon as we can.

While we are closed and waiting for paperwork to be finalized , we want to remind you that the HOA has the AED and we are trained to use it as well as CPR.

We will continue our community service but recommend any medical emergencies be taken to Roberto Clemente, Tola Health Center, Rivas Hospital, or Pelas in Managua.

Thank you for all your continuous support! We truly believe this is a community work in progress. Teamwork at its finest!

Team Nica Heartbeat

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